Sub-Contractor | See Also | Options |
R.D. Brown Contractors | view | |
R.D. Cole Manufacturing Co. | view | |
R&R International | view | |
Radian International LLC | view | |
Railrhodes, Inc. | view | |
Ralph M. Parsons Company | view | |
RCA-Global Communications | Radio Corporation of America | view |
RCS Corporation | view | |
Records Management Solutions | view | |
Reese X-Ray Company, Inc. | view | |
Republic Flow Meters Company | view | |
Research-Cottrell, Inc. | view | |
Ri-Tech | view | |
Riley Stoker Co. | Riley Stokes | view |
Rinker Materials Corp. Dogwood Quarry | view | |
Roberson Construction Co. | view | |
Ronan Engineering Company | view | |
Ronco Communications & Electronics Inc. | view | |
Roper Scientific | view | |
Roy F. Weston, Inc. | Weston Solutions, Inc. | view |
RPK Structural Mechanics Consulting | view | |
RPM | view | |
RSL Safety Corp. | view | |
Ruska Instrument Company | view | |
Rust Engineering Company | Rust Contractors; Rust International Corp.; Litton Industries; Washington Group; URS Corporation | view |
Rutherford Company, Inc. | view | |
Ryder Construction | view | |
S. Blickman Co. | S. Blickman, Inc. | view |
S. E. Peters | view | |
S&K Logistics Services LLC | view | |
S&ME | view | |
S&R Electric | view | |
SAA Solutions Inc. | view | |
Sandblasters, Inc. | view | |
Satellite Shelters Inc. | view | |
Savannah River Archaeological Research Program | view | |
Savannah River Ecology Lab | SREL | view |
Savannah River EcoManagement, LLC | view | |
Savannah River Mission Completion, LLC (SRMC) | view | |
Savannah River Nuclear Solutions LLC | SRNS | view |
Savannah River Remediation, LLC | SRR | view |
Savannah River Technology Center | SRTC | view |
Scale Systems, Inc. | view | |
Scanning Solutions, Inc. | view | |
Scantron-FPC | view | |
Schutte-Koerting | view | |
Science Applications International Corp. | SAIC | view |
Scott & Sons Rigging | view | |
SCURFF | view | |
Sea Change International, Inc. | view | |
Sealed Air Corporation | view | |
SEC Donohue | view | |
Securitas CIS, Inc. | view | |
Security Consultants Group, Inc. | view | |
Seminole Glass Co. | view | |
Service America | view | |
Services, Inc. | view | |
Servomation | view | |
Sevenson Environmental Services, Inc. | view | |
Sharewell Inc. | view | |
Shaw AREVA MOX Services LLC | The Shaw Group Inc.; AREVA | view |
Shimadzu Scientific | view | |
Siemens | Siemens Building Technologies; Siemens Government Technologies, Inc. | view |
Siemens Westinghouse Tech. Serv. | view | |
Sika Corporation | view | |
Simplex Time Recorder Co. | view | |
Sirrine Environmental Consultants | view | |
SKC Inc. | view | |
Sofco Erectors, Inc. | view | |
Soil and Materials Engineers, Inc. (S&ME) | view | |
South Bell Telephone and Telegraph Co | South Central Bell; Bell South | view |
South Bend Lathe, Inc. | view | |
South Carolina Electric & Gas Co. | SCE&G | view |
Southern Bell Telephone Company | view | |
Southern Door Controls, Inc. | view | |
Southern Grading & Paving, Inc. | view | |
Southern Technologies, Inc. | view | |
Southway Crane & Rigging | view | |
Spear Contract Services, Inc. | view | |
Specialty Process | view | |
Spectra Tech | view | |
Spectrum Engineering | view | |
Spencer, White and Prentis, Inc. | view | |
Spotswood Parker Company | view | |
SRS Critical Infrastructure Security, LLC | view | |
Starrette Trucking Co. | view | |
Steel Clad Inc. | view | |
Steel Erectors, Inc. | view | |
STEP, Inc. | view | |
Still Water Tool & Manufacturing Co. | view | |
Stone & Webster Engineering Company | view | |
Stoneridge | view | |
Storage Technology Corporation | view | |
Strativia | view | |
Stratton Home Transport, Inc. | view | |
Stuart Painting Company | view | |
Suber & Company | view | |
Sungard Recovery Services, Inc. | view | |
Superior Air Handling Corp | Superior Engineering Corp; Harris Companies | view |
Swope Contracting, Inc. | view |
BTComp is a general information resource tool. It is not intended to nor does it contain all information that relates to DOE subcontractors. We reserve the right to add or delete entries at any time. We make no warranty, expressed or implied, with respect to either the completeness of the database or the accuracy of the entries on the website.